Friday, April 27, 2018

Why Are Americans Still Saying White Supremacy Isn't A Thing In America?

Yesterday, The Huffington Post posted an article about a Judicial Officer forging signatures on a ballot for re-election and only was put on probation. While two minority women illegally voted and got five to eight years in prison. Things like this is where I don't understand why Americans don't believe white supremacy is thing in the USA. 
In my last blog I spoke about black innocent men being killed by police officers. The President felt like it was not a national government issue. The fact that two minority women are serving five to eight years for making a mistake, but a house official got off on probation for forging signatures to be re-elected shows there is something seriously wrong with our government. Its white supremacy at its finest. I truly believe if these two women were white they would get off with a slap on the wrist.
          Supposedly the only reason this white official got probation was because he pleaded guilty. Although this maybe true, there are many people that believe he should have been hold at a higher standard than others. He was forced to resign from office but that’s all he got. While two women that could’ve gotten a warning are sitting in a jail cell.
          The government needs to do something about this. This is happening increasingly every day. I suggest the government looking into these judges that are convicting these innocent men and women. The government should show equality to everyone no matter if they are a judicial official, police officer, a citizen, or a person with a green card.



  1. I agree! I believe that maintaining equality is very important in developing and maintaining a civil society. And not just that, seeing oppression, inequality, and, in a way, implicit segregation, is difficult to watch and personally deal with.
    I am interested to know what you see to be the root of this problem. I would agree that there are many instances, similar to your examples given, where judges have poorly placed harsh punishments upon individuals who are a part of the minority, while white men of power (or no power) tend to slide through the cracks with lack of equal punishment and judgment. I believe that a big reason of why equality is declining is because of the many white, male leaders that this country holds. An example would be our president and his vice president: Donald Trump and Mike Pence. I believe them to be ideally the perfect examples of white, male dominance in the United States (and not strictly because they hold extremely powerful positions). Although their positions paired with their race and connections do indeed bring them power and authority, they have repeatedly demonstrated lack of empathy for the minority and have continued to manifest this over time. Through Trump’s campaign, it was clear that his mission statements were geared towards building a wall (and making Mexico pay for it), temporarily banning Muslims from entering the U.S., going after the Affordable Care Act, and many others which include ISIS and other foreign affairs. Through his mission statements, and past behaviors, it has continuously been shown that there is a lack of empathy for the minority. Although this is, obviously, not ideal, I believe there to be a lack of change (quickly) unless there is a change within Congress in the upcoming election.
    Thanks for showing your point of view and letting me add to it! I am glad many are standing to keep equality in America and that many are standing up to the inequality, regardless if it affects them directly.

  2. Hi Illyana,

    When I first read you post I was very interested in reading more about this particular situation. I read the Huffington Post article and it reported that the official in question is actually a justice of the peace. I could not believe that a justice of the peace walked away with a slap on the wrist compared to two minority women who unknowingly committed a crime. You would think that someone who pleaded guilty to fraud on an election campaign would be severely scrutinized in serious contempt of the law, after all we are talking about a justice of the peace. This man knows the law unlike the women who mistakenly violated it.

    It is difficult to disagree with your argument; racism does in fact seem to be alive and well. In addition, the punishment incurred by this justice of the peace does not fit the crime committed. How can he not be sentenced to a punishment befitting fraud? You can certainly argue that of these three cases this justice of the peace would certainly have more to gain from falsifying voting information. Apparently in Tarrant County, Texas all you need to do to get away with a crime is admit to it.

    Despite the stark differences in sentencing, we will never be able to prove what the real reasons for differences in punishment are. Although I agree, it looks a lot like racism, the truth is nobody will ever admit to it. Unfortunately, with president Trump in office we are bound to see a lot of racial tension spur in a country still divided by skin color.

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