Friday, February 23, 2018

Trump's Chance to Do Right by Transgender Troops

On February 23, 2018, The New York Times posted an article Trump's Chance to Do Right by Transgender Troops about how President Trump might be changing his view on transgender troops. The author starts the article off by saying Jim Mattis, Defense Secretary, stated transgender troops are to be allowed to serve in the U.S Military. The author points out how President Trump has said in the past that he values the advise of his generals and perhaps might change his opinion of letting transgender troops serve our country. A year ago, transgender troops finally got the right to serve for their country as equals and Trump, of course, has taken that away from that minority. The author states “. . . seemed to disparage the transgender enlistees as unsuitable for battle by gratuitously asserting that the military “must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory” showing that Trump believes transgender troops are incapable to serve this country when transgender people are one of the strongest humans.  His fellow republicans, such as John McCain of Arizona and Orrin Hatch of Utah and a group of 56 retired general and admirals aren’t looking eye to eye about this topic with the Mr. Trump. President Trump also claimed he consulted his generals and military experts before reimposing the transgender ban “But General Dunford told the country’s top commanders that he was not consulted and that Mr. Trump’s decision to declare transgender people no longer welcome “in any capacity” was “unexpected”,” the author states. At the end of the article the author says, “It will be tragic if he clings to his prejudice, forcing transgender people out of the military and back into the shadows.” 

I agree one hundred percent with the author it would be a horrible outcome if President Trump decides to continue to ban transgender troops especially when there aren’t many Americans volunteering to fight for their country and these strong brave soldiers are. The author does a good job showing the arguments of this situation. He shows the different views of the president and of his fellow politicians.

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