Friday, May 4, 2018

Dear Luna

Dear Luna,
While reading your blog, I was very enlightened by it. I can relate to your blog because my brother was just diagnosed about two years ago at the age of 16 with juvenile monoclinic epilepsy. If the FDA choose to approve Epidiolex it will improve not only my brother but many other young adult’s seizures and tremors. I just recently experienced three of his tremors for the first time and it freaked me out. It made me scared and came to find out he was not taking his pills that weekend. From my research and reading your blog, Epidiolex can reduce seizures and the anxiety that comes with epilepsy.
            I strongly believe the FDA should approve marijuana use for decriminalization. There are so many men and women that are in jail and prisons but should not be there especially since marijuana is starting to become legal in other states.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Why Are Americans Still Saying White Supremacy Isn't A Thing In America?

Yesterday, The Huffington Post posted an article about a Judicial Officer forging signatures on a ballot for re-election and only was put on probation. While two minority women illegally voted and got five to eight years in prison. Things like this is where I don't understand why Americans don't believe white supremacy is thing in the USA. 
In my last blog I spoke about black innocent men being killed by police officers. The President felt like it was not a national government issue. The fact that two minority women are serving five to eight years for making a mistake, but a house official got off on probation for forging signatures to be re-elected shows there is something seriously wrong with our government. Its white supremacy at its finest. I truly believe if these two women were white they would get off with a slap on the wrist.
          Supposedly the only reason this white official got probation was because he pleaded guilty. Although this maybe true, there are many people that believe he should have been hold at a higher standard than others. He was forced to resign from office but that’s all he got. While two women that could’ve gotten a warning are sitting in a jail cell.
          The government needs to do something about this. This is happening increasingly every day. I suggest the government looking into these judges that are convicting these innocent men and women. The government should show equality to everyone no matter if they are a judicial official, police officer, a citizen, or a person with a green card.


Friday, April 13, 2018

Dear Nick

Dear Nick,
This is such an important issue that I think many Americans don’t think about. Thank you for writing about this and showing that someone in this country cares about all Americans even if you are a criminal. Criminals are still human and are like everybody else, just fell off track and made some very poor decisions. They deserve to have a great and long life after fulfilling their sentence. I definitely agree that Ex-prisoners should have a chance at a stable life after completing their sentence. Usually after completing 20 plus years in prison, it’s very hard for ex-prisoners to live in the real world because they have been so use to their everyday life in prison. I completely agree with you Nick, that there should be some programs for ex-prisoners to live a healthy life style. I believe the US is putting way too much money into these prisons while they can put the money into something else like helping the home owners that were affected in the hurricanes or people that live in shelters.
The only suggestion I can make is siting your source. You mentioned that “we make up to 25% of the worlds incarcerations and have the highest incarceration rate in the world,” but you don’t say where you got that from. Its very important to always mention where you get your information from.
This was a great blog and I really enjoyed reading it. Nobody really thinks about the men and women that are in those prisons as people. They are just like you and me just didn’t make the best decisions. That doesn’t mean we treat them like they’re animals.  

Friday, March 30, 2018

Shooting of African American Men Not A Govt Matter?

Last week, there was once another shooting of an African American man, Stephen Clark, 22-year-old young black man that was unarmed. He was held at gunpoint by two police officers in Stephen Clark’s grandfather’s backyard and was shot 20 times. The two police officers believed he was armed when in fact he was only carrying a cellphone in his hand. The court has decided they are not charging these two officers. There are so many incidents like this all over the country and now the White House is saying it should stay as a “local matter”
According to an article on Huffington Post, the press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said it’s a “local matter and something we feel should be left up to the local authorities.” This country is tired of these young black innocent men losing their life. Tuesday morning, the Louisiana attorney general announced the two white police officers would not be charged for Alton Sterling death. The mother of Eric Garner, a black man that died while being restrained by a NYC police officer after repeating “I can’t breathe”, is still waiting for an indictment. This is getting out of hand. Number one thing our country should be focused on is serving justice for these families.
            In the press conference, a reporter asked Sanders if the president feels the need to do something address the concerns of African-American mothers fearing for their children’s lives. Sanders replied with “I think the president ― whether they’re black, white, Hispanic, male or female, rich or poor ― we look for ways to protect the individuals in this country, particularly children.” The White House needs to just admit that this is not a white issue, it’s not a Hispanic issue, it’s a Black issue and it needs to stop.

            The White house needs to take action for these incidents. These might be local issues but the fact that it has happened so many times these last couple years. This is a country wide issue that the White House has the duty of serving justice for these families.