Dear Luna,
While reading
your blog, I was very enlightened by it. I can relate to your blog because
my brother was just diagnosed about two years ago at the age of 16 with
juvenile monoclinic epilepsy. If the FDA choose to approve Epidiolex it will improve
not only my brother but many other young adult’s seizures and tremors. I just
recently experienced three of his tremors for the first time and it freaked me
out. It made me scared and came to find out he was not taking his pills that
weekend. From my research and reading your blog, Epidiolex can reduce seizures
and the anxiety that comes with epilepsy.
I strongly
believe the FDA should approve marijuana use for decriminalization. There are
so many men and women that are in jail and prisons but should not be there
especially since marijuana is starting to become legal in other states.